Saturday, August 20, 2011

The punishment for the theif

On my prev. post, we saw what a theif can do to a fallen and helpless zuburoka. But under normal circumstances, this is what would happen.

The little wiener of a theif cannot do much to satisfy zuburokas, however with his life hanging by, he will do his best to keep these ladies happy.


  1. Hi.psychocrackgun.
    Is this a punishment? The reward for me.
    Envy the guy, and I want to change me.

    By the way, you ask to you.
    Your picture is very nice.I'm really looking forward to it.
    But the text of the illustrations can not be read.
    I want to see a large image size to read the text.

    Thank you

  2. the text cannot be read because i've resize the picture...i don't spend alot of time perfecting these paintings, so there are alot of blemishes and i try to hide it by making the picture smaller.
    Kimagure, i am still waiting for your art work as's been a long time, hasn't it? Let me know if you put up a new zako picture^^

  3. Hi.psychocrackgun.

    Please tell me your Email Address.
    My Email address is....
    kimagure666 "atmark"

    Thank you
