Tuesday, August 2, 2011


It's a wierd fetish that I've had ever since when I was a kid.  May be in the early 80's or so, the first time I watched The Space Pirate Captain Harlock-it had heroes fighting these beautiful female creatures from the outer space called mazones.  I was immediately drawn into it.  I didn't remember what the story was all about, but only thing I could remember about the series is Harlock's crew stabbing these mazone creatures in the space, and their dead body floating away.  That image stuck in my head forever and as time passed by I watched more animations featuring female enemies:  Starzinger-the Lacet army, Gatchaman-Devil Stars and such...
It was 1989, I was seriously into pro wrestling.  There was a game called Wrestlefest featuring WWF super stars which was really popular around my town.  So I frequented visits to the local arcade and one day there it was...A game called Golden Axe.  It had barbarians running all around the screen.  Then I noticed there was a scantly dressed female amazon character-a blonde woman with greenish armor.  "She must be the heroine character", I thought, then there was another one came out of the corner of the screen, and one more amazon this time dressed in blue.  And the old grand pop looking dwarf viciuosly hacked these women with a golden axe, and as they fell for the last time, their dead corpse became grey.  Were they turned into stones?  Were they rotting?  Whatever it was supposed to be, seeing a dead zuburoka was the defining moment for my secret fetish.  A very specific fetish-

It has to be a woman with attractive body-like the most men probably like.  But more specifically, she should be an evil character (Catra > Sherah, Dr. Blight > female planeteers), also prefer a zako or a generic enemies rather than the main one (mazone > Queen Lafresia, Snow gorillas > Sandra).  Even better is that they get killed by the heroes rather than defeating or humiliating them.  These amazons from Golden Axe was the perfect fit.  And they had blonde hair and busty breasts and they looked better-more femine and weaker than Tyris, who was portrayed in more skimpy bikinis, but had somewhat manly built with broad shoulders.

 I spent many quarters slaying these amazons, until the game came out on the Genesis system.  Yes, I didn't have to spend any more quarters, however something felt a little different, and later I realized that graphics on Genesis was far inferior than the arcade.  However, I never stopped my fetish for the weak generic female enemy fetish and, many more came along the way.  Some honorable mention must be made for them-as they are still my fav. zakos to these days.

Mazones from Harlock
Devil Stars from Gatchaman
Shamans from God Mazinga
Snow Gorillas and Seamans from Space Adventure Cobra
Bloody Angels from Lupin III
Kunoichi's from hat,book travler...i don't even know the exact title
Athenian archers and amazons from Xena and Hercules
Mord Sith from the Legend of the Seeker
Luna, Midori, Mizuki from the Punisher arcade
Carol, Brenda from Captain Commando
Mini skirts from Growl
Elite Guards of RTCW
Kunoichi's and Amazons from various tv, anime, and games...all fit into my specifics.

It was only recently that I learned that the evil blonde amazons from Golden Axe were called "Zuburokas", I've been googling them for about 6 years now, finding some interesting information and pictures of them.  Probably the best thing that ever happened while I searched online was running into a site called MNL-Midnight Ladies.  Here I found there were a few people that had very similar taste as mine, and many of the listed above, I found it through that web site-using Japanese translator program.

Today, there are a few places specializing the generic female enemies or female zakos, but none were dedicated to the Zuburokas, the zako of all zakos, the ones that took me into puberty, ones that will always be my favorite.  I really wanted to go deeper into them-making my own stories about their background and just about touching every little detail=without making them too main charaterish (like Poison).  So we'll see how it goes, I've drawn some pics and I just have to fit some descriptions to go along with it, and here is the start...

Here is the basic info (not official but my very own) about Zuburokas.
Zuburoka Corp (A division of Death=Adder's army)

A Brigade of all female soldiers, the Zuburoka Corp is a valuable Asset to Death=Adder's empire.  They are from the Northern most part of the world (resemblance to blonde Sweddish, Polish, and Russian), and have bright sun-ray blond hair and light and fair skin.  They have very ruthless personalities and they love inflicting pain on the weaklings.  They have infinite craving for perverse sexual pleasures and only the strongest of the Death=Adder's soldiers have the previleage to be entertained by these beautiful amazons.  There are three classes of enlisted zuburokas:  Storchinaya (shown above), Strobaya, and Lemanaya.  The officer zuburokas are called Gruziyas whom serve only the Bitter class officer's or higher.  An average zuburoka is about 170cm tall, and weighs 63kg, have slightly muscular/athletic body with large perky breasts and voluptous hips measuring 36(c)-26-38 (avg) in inches.

Zuburokas are the nothern amazons which are different than the southern amazons like Tyris Flare.  Zuburokas consider themselves superior in strength and beauty than their southern rivals, however Death=Adder's obscession for Tyris (she was the only woman to tire out Death=Adder in bed after one night, where as 4-5 zuburokas were needed to pleasure him for a night) is well known and these girls are jealous of Tyris' superior sex techniques and battle skills.  They are often eager to attack our three heroes, but often outmatched quickly, even though they attack in numbers.  Because they are so fiesty, even though they are quite sexually attractive, zuburokas are oftne mercilessly slained by our male heroes=Gilius and Axe.  However, they will sometimes spare zuburokas (wheather unconscious or submissive) to pleasure themselves and even Tyris will take advantage of them as she enjoys f-f sex as much as f-m sex. 


  1. Hi.psychocrackgun.
    It is a great blog! I love Zuburoka.

    Genesis Zuburoka skin is not white.
    As I think These girls are sunburned skin.
    What do u think?

    Thank you for making this blog.

  2. hi kimagure...I've seen your excellent work. Yes it is true that they have tanned looks in genesis version, now I think about it...may be because of genesis cannot use as many colors as arcade. Also the arcade green zuburoka seems to have linger hair than the other too. But one thing is for sure there are no black or asian zuburokas yet...may be it's time to create one...

  3. lol guro :|

    The girls from The Punisher were much better btw.
